Richard Gage, member of the Architects and Engineers for Truth is 11:09 km / h Fox 26 in Fresno, California, about the events of 11 September 2001 interview. He was an architect for over twenty years and is an expert in steel structures. He, as well as 700 other architects and engineers are invited to provide a thorough investigation of the collapses of the World Trade Center buildings. Topics discussed include: Evidence of termite-and nano-thermite (explosives) were found in the dust of the WTC. All threeWorld Trade Center buildings were brought down by controlled demolition. collapse of building 7 is the free fall in its financial statements. The fire has never brought down a steel structure before 9 / 11, and have never been brought down one. several tons of molten iron at the base of the building. Al Qaeda was not responsible for the collapse. Much more! Watch and spread this video!