Here is our weekly speed reading tips to simplify you will improve you're reading This means that every minute spent reading, you read 10 words more than you would normally.

Just consider how long you save for a longer period, Everyone minor improvements to you're reading helps a lot.

These is hands down one simplest technique playback speed that you can use, and only takes a second to teach. So here we go

You should always scan the material right after the reading. Skimming is in your head gasket, throughout the text. In other words,
You try to find keywords for a second time.

Once you find keywords that are most important to the author, then you go the extra mile, in the process of understanding.
Understand that more than 2% of the material, after reading that you get in a good position!

There you go. Just use a simple to use technology, and you automatically increase the reading speed

See you next time for the next round. Currently, however, try to practice scanning for reading .