When you need to read the speed?

Speed reading is an excellent skill to master. There are several advantages as a place for browsing, but you should always read faster?

The important thing to know, that's your goal for reading. If an article in a magazine or a book, you should always ask, why am I reading this?

If you read the purpose of driving time, or if you have something to read before going to bed, you probably do not need to read faster than your main goal is to relax and read. In such a situation, you should take the time to read. Why the hurry? For many books, is to prolong the experience while possible!

To read more on various topics for your schoolwork, or a series of working relationships, you may need to take, what to read and remember facts, figures and all major points. Here is the step "in the game you have to maximize the reading speed and comprehension if you understand the material as possible.

The playback speeds will be particularly useful if you are involved in the middle of a test in which a game is to read. In such situations, while reading speed is the key! When limited in time, the reference to you're reading speed.

Therefore, the identification of reading, what is important. They should be read speed, if the situation warrants. Often, because most of us will be called on more often to play the normal speed. However it is important to pay attention to the situation. If you're about to go to bed trying to speed read, or you can (because they are not vigilant enough), or wakes up completely, and it is difficult to sleep.

However the most important point is that all speeds. If you read a really good novel, just take it easy. Enjoy every second spent the last reading. Read speed for the consumption of information, so that the skills accordingly .