There are books, courses and programs for many shows to learn to speed. Every time a course book, or software on "Learning How to read Speed" or "Speed reading Training", is in that tag, skimming , scan, preview, predict, anticipate, silent reading, reading blocks and guess the meaning of unfamiliar words. Training with these when you can buy a very effective compromise between using Fluency and reading accuracy. Let's see what these terms mean ...

This is one of the first techniques used to get when you start exercising. Skimming: a text quickly to get only the "core" of the text. Skimming is a technique particularly useful in reading the extensive reading. Sun Skimming allows us to extract the most important names, adjectives, and statistics from the text, so we know what we are before we are really beginningRead the text.

This means that you read the text quickly to find specific information. You may recognize this ability to be very useful in everyday life in the search for a phone number in a phone book or search for the meaning of unknown words in a dictionary. Instead of reading through every word in the vicinity of the word you're looking for, just scroll down until you see the real word, look what you find. This is usefulspeed reading, because often you want first, the most important part of the information before you actually read the rest of the article.

Preview is a useful technique for learning to read the speed. This gives us the first impression of a book. We can get pretty good preview of the book entitled, on the back cover blurb, reviews, the preface or foreword, contents, the indexetc. ..

It is a sort of guessing game in reading speed training. The anticipation is the reader to continue to improve the next line or page would be. The reader should use his previous knowledge of the layout of the text, and subject, and can not wait to read what is in the book.

The forecast
reader to guess estimates of the text in a global or at a general level. The differencebetween the expectation and prediction, that prediction is based on a higher level - you can expect that you will reach the conclusion, and it is expected that after a subject is treated. The forecast is global, the whole point level, while the local weather, or a record level. This technique is very useful if you want to be as ready for the speed of reading words, why increase your reading speed by more than a minute if youfor what you read on.

Guessing the meaning of unfamiliar words
If you pay enough attention to context, is almost always possible to guess the exact meaning of an unknown word. Learning to guess the meaning of a word is really useful if you need to learn speed reading.

Read block
In reading speed training once again this technique allows us to unnecessary concern in thisCase, the letters and words on the individual. If you pay too much attention to the phrase useless pieces of an individual, rather than the phrase as a whole, is your reading speed will be severely limited.

Reading in Silence
We know that reading is a cognitive activity. The imagination of the reader plays an active role in all the time, where you're thinking, thinking, fantasy or reference. Even if you can read almost all ofTherefore, it is best read in a quiet environment as possible. Reading is best seen as a private business. It 's very useful technique in reading speed training when you need the song, lots of reading.

None of these techniques only qualify reading speed, it is only when you combine everything that you learn to read the speed.