The easiest way, because the easiest way, because there the hard way? Well, it will take to be extremely angry about how difficult a simple way to do that guaranteed the same. For the hard way is very stupid if they learn with facts and examples of people around the world successfully, to do things the easy way has proved successful.

It is ironic, however, with quotes such as "Life is not a bed of roses" Note that if we have what we want in life, every strugglewant the easiest cut to success. all those easy - Good news friends, is not cut out for rest read, but I do not know! Shortcuts, the speed of reading, the easy way!

The most important factor you should consider for this exercise is to ensure that your eyes are fine. If it was not for a last test, the test for your eye is immediately available to make sure nothing is obstructing been done to be effective. There could walk through the simple passagefor speed reading

Avoid distractions at all costs - is dangerous and can take any form, whether its music or a crowded room, do yourself a lot of good, if the concentration is 99% or more.

Immerse yourself in the session.

Get a stopwatch and time the rate of current reading. This allows you to track improvement through later. Its time to get to know your average reading speed and how you understand what youto read. I like to draw attention to this, although I am not an advocate together I want your show with my hands guide you.

Smooth and constant movements of the eyes is necessary to speed reading. Most of the time, as we read, we tend to speak the words. Almost everyone does it at different speeds and in different ways. Where do you do this, it slows down the ability to read quickly, what is our goal - reading speed.Accelerate learning - read calls to stop this habit.

Exercises in reading groups of words together. Do not focus on one word. Practice regularly read! If you want to be more need to practice more! Sketch your purpose for reading. If you only need main ideas, then you could fly over the information. Read each word is not in this case is not necessary, you could pause and take a walk between sessions. This exercise will ensure thatupdated when you return.

Avoid distractions by this means. This exercise also protects the pressure on the eyes and focusing much easier to work to improve your vocabulary

This is in reading speed, the easiest way! These are just open your eyes, the best kept secret to increase the reading speed faster, visit now!