Today more than ever there is a lot and I think a lot of information out there. No matter what the, subject or topic in the industry has so much to know and learn to be. There are a lot of reading. If you're like me, you want as far as possible on a particular topic to learn. But reading slowly to hang a big weight on our neck. So I decided to read, learn, like speed.

Speed ​​reading is not something that everyone is born. This is aSkills, like any other, must be determined on a daily basis to practice. There are sites that offer speed reading software, many of which I bought. But it is a simple effective way to increase the software for you and your reading speed, without having to buy expensive programs.

Here are some tips to start your understanding to improve your reading speed.

1. Have you checked your vision. A lot of people who read slowly do the same, becausehave a diagnosed vision problem. Even if you have a perfect view. If you do not have to get an eye exam recently, there is nothing wrong with it now!

2. Time during the reading speed. It 'important to know how fast you are reading. This allows you to track your progress through any subsequent date. On the trail of your reading speed will help us to improve and stay motivated Notes!

The first step is toYour book and a stopwatch (of course ;-)). Next, start the stopwatch and see how many words you can read a page, for example, in 30 seconds. Or you can create a certain amount of time you can read, and keep track of how many pages you read in this period.

You can also go online and a test of speed reading online.

3. Block any unnecessary distractions. I used to be, doing homework with music in the background are able to learn, but nothing.Although you may feel that you read and understand sitting in a busy bar, you should try to find a solitary place to read. If at home, turn off the television, along with radio and phone. If you can not find a quiet place, use some ear plugs around to block all the distractions around you. If you really want all that read what you say, it is important to rest and focus on the material you are reading.

4. Adjust the reading speedwith what you read. Decide how important is the material that you read to talk, then decide how quickly you want to go. Sometimes we have to choose whether we fully understand, or to cover a lot of material you want. For example, if you want to study for a test, you understand clearly. But if you read a newspaper article, you can fly over and find the main attractions within the article. A lot of times aforementioned magazines fill-in material, soWe want to root out and get the meat of it!

There you go ladies and gentlemen! I hope this short article has provided some value. If you find it useful, please leave a comment!

Your reading speed of success,
Gerardo Flores