If the speed of comprehension when reading or snail reading is something that interests you, then you should read the article and the main memory, said that the human species is influenced by three.

First, you must understand the primary purpose of the brain, and because memory is one of its greatest powers. Your brain is to help them survive. The three different types of memory offer different solutions for survival. The first type of memory is short-termMemory. Let us examine now.

Consider how many things that your brain processes all the time. It measures temperature, light, place, people around you, and much, much more. His constant vigil helps maintain safe and alive. The short-term memory contains information that a fugitive meaning in your life. Can you imagine what would life be if you get every detail, each have happened to you? The character in the movie Rain Man was based on a real personhad this kind of tragic memory. He could remember, it also provides details removed with great clarity, but do not look at the cost of such a gift for the other functions of the brain! It might work like a normal person.

The short-term memory, you can only remember the facts about your environment. the same way with a time of speed memory reader can store the information they have just read for a short period when, soon after his appointment. ThisMemory is not suitable for a good understanding.

Between memory requires several hours. When many people study for a meeting or an exam, it is this memory that the information they need to understand it. In principle, on Thursday to study for the test on Friday, Saturday and forget. education and work performance is often temporary storage, or to maintain the ability to understand the information and for the few hours when necessary. Many of speedReaders use this memory, learning as well.

The long-term memory is very different. These chemical changes in the brain and also re-wiring of neuronal circuits. The changes that often permanent or long-term. Suppose you have learned, a year cycling tour ten years ago. You have not ridden a bike all the time. If you go with a bike ride today, that information would be a short cut to ride the bike successfully. Their goal, while reading speed isconvert the information to understand the long-term memory. This allows the information in the future, when you need to use to use it.