Imagine reading two, three, four times faster, releasing the power of speed even read. Would not it be wonderful to have a capacity in the rich world of information today? This article will help you with your new found speed reading skills, making suggestions to improve your reading speed fifth

Tip 1: Always use your hands while reading. You have been told at school, never with your hands. Like many other things you were taught in school, this mythis a major cause of slow reading. Start your hand from right to left edge. Going over every line of the page. Let your eyes follow your hands as fast as you can understand, and the speed will increase by 10-15%.

Tip # 2: Elimination of sub-vocalization. Sub-vocalization, or say aloud every word, as can be seen dramatically slow down the reading speed. Place a pencil between your lips and hold her tight. This prevents you from mouthingphasing out the words loud vocalization.

Tip # 3: Skim the text before reading it. Skimming the text before reading it prepares your brain to the information at a rate much higher. Your mind expects, in which the facts are it takes, and is able to check in and keep them with less effort.

Tip 4: Do you read Home. View most people hear the words read back of their head. The more you can convert what you readin a film the faster you will be able to read.

Tip 5: Study of a speed reader. There are many excellent programs, speed reading, which should teach dramatically increase your reading speed. There is no substitute for learning these skills from an expert.